Accelerated Development Program

The TD SYNNEX tailor-made programme designed to help you define and follow a critical path towards building your Amazon Web Services (AWS) practice.


What is the Accelerated Development Program?

With limited places available, the Accelerated Development Program is an invitation-only process. To be invited to take part, AWS and TD SYNNEX experts evaluate each candidate on a case-by-case basis. Entry into the program is then confirmed based on each partner's situation.

Once admitted onto the program, you will be supported to develop your AWS practice and achieve growth in a fraction of the time it would typically take.

Send your nomination

What are the benefits for partners?

During the course of the Accelerated Development Program, you’ll be directed towards the best programs and benefits for your situation and goals and guided through the AWS Partner Network (APN) and ACE platforms.

The program will establish best practices and a developed understanding of AWS, building a strong foundation from which you will be able to accelerate your practice. You will also receive step-by-step, tailored support and guidance from either a local Business Development Manager or the Central Europe team.

Where necessary, the partner will be connected to relevant TD SYNNEX or AWS SMEs, and useful AWS contacts.
Overall, the Accelerated Development Program grows partners’ capabilities with:

Dedicated support

Reduced time to complete the partner path (from 12-24 months to 3-9 months)

Customised guidance through milestones, leveraging best practices

Who is the ideal partner for the Accelerated Development Program?

The ideal partner for this program should have the following characteristics - but don't worry if you don't have some of them! TD SYNNEX considers each partner on a case-by-case basis and will guide you through the next steps to access this exclusive program.

  • AWS partner working with TD SYNNEX
  • AWS registered or select Tier Services partner, or starting the AWS Software Path
  • Ideally, a public sector partner (commercial sector partners also accepted)
  • Partners that already have entered AWS opportunities in ACE
  • More than 10 employees
  • Partners with a commitment to achieve a Technical validation, such as AWS Competencies
  • Committed to go-to-market
  • Committed to upgrading and growing their AWS partnership
Send your nomination

Nominate yourself today!

Think you might be a good fit? Send us your self-nomination using the form below and a TD SYNNEX expert will assess your application.

Alternatively, if you are not an AWS partner working with TD SYNNEX as a reseller on AWS, don't worry! We will guide you through the process so that you can qualify for this and many other benefits that TD SYNNEX can offer you on AWS.

How does the program work?


TD SYNNEX invites partners to submit their applications to be considered for the program. If you think you meet the requirements of an ‘ideal partner’, you can do so using the self-nomination form. Experts from the Accelerated Development Program will assess the applications.


If TD SYNNEX thinks you meet the requirements to be considered for the program, an expert will contact you for an assessment. During the assessment, we will find out more details about your business situation, understand what your vision is, what your capabilities are and identify your priorities. We will then use this insight to tailor the program to your needs, and forward this assessment to AWS to finalise the last details of your entry into the program.

Milestone management

Accelerated Partner Development is a timebound framework comprising various development milestones, for both service and software partners. As such, it is designed to provide AWS partners with a step-by-step process to assist them in advancing their AWS Partner business.

Milestones during the program

To help you complete the different milestones of the program, you will have a dedicated TD SYNNEX expert who will guide you through the different tasks. Thanks to the customised approach of the program, your dedicated TD SYNNEX expert will adapt timings based on your needs and prioritise milestones based on your business situation.

  • The APN is a global community of partners that collaborates to create, market, and sell customer solutions. By completing the APN alignment milestone, partners demonstrate their commitment to establishing an AWS practice and become eligible for APN programs. These programs offer valuable business, technical, and marketing support.

    Partners benefit from increased visibility on the AWS website, engagement opportunities with customers through events and social media, access to funding, and go-to-market opportunities. APN also provides programmatic resources and guidelines to ensure partners meet requirements for AWS knowledge, experience, and customer success. In turn, APN helps AWS partners to accelerate their cloud journey and fully leverage AWS offerings.

  • Partners demonstrate their capability and competency to deliver professional services, advisory services, and offerings through technical validation and assessment. This technical validation not only showcases their experience in specific AWS delivery capabilities but also differentiates their business to AWS customers. Partners can gain access to benefits such as MDF, strategic funding programmes (e.g., MAP), and APN Badging.

  • The go-to-market readiness milestone prepares partners to promote their business with AWS and leverage co-sell motions. Go-to-market readiness activities help partners differentiate their brand, build awareness, generate leads, drive pipeline, and understand how to engage with AWS sales.

    Plus, you’ll get exclusive access to our marketing platform for partners, ‘DemandSolv’, so you can complete go-to-market readiness using the ‘end customer-facing’ contents that TD SYNNNEX has created for you. With just a few clicks, you’ll be able to launch all the AWS content to the market, customised with your logo and contact details to position your AWS offering to your customers.