BitTitan Products

BitTitan are the market leaders in Cloud Enablement Services. Their products are designed to make implementing cloud services hassle free.

  • MigrationWiz is a suite of products allowing you to migrate mailboxes, documents, cloud storage, SharePoint libraries and more between systems painlessly, through the use of step-by-step wizard-based software, accessible directly from your browser.
  • DeploymentPro lets you manage your customers' outlook configuration.  This is a cloud-based solution that allows you to manage your customers' outlook directly from your web browser through a silent agent.
  • UserActivation is a complete end-to-end migration and onboarding experience to Office 365. Combining MigrationWiz and DeploymentPro Migrate mailboxes, onboard users and create O365 tenants/users with one simple, wizard-based tool, accessible directly from your browser.
  • Concierge provides Customer Service-as-a-Service and is a fully white-labelled, 24x7 end-user help desk for your customers, without needing full-time staff. Concierge is available in two levels - one to cover all of your IT and cloud services and the other specifically for Office 365.
  • MissionControl for Office 365 allows you to provide advanced management, compliance, reporting, alerting and auditing features. Offer your customers tailored, managed services for their Office 365 environment through a single portal.
  • HealthCheck for Azure allows you to provide detailed readiness reporting, cost analysis and planning tools to convince customers to adopt Azure.

Move mailboxes, documents, cloud storage, SharePoint libraries and more between systems painlessly, through the simple-to-use MigrationWiz system on your browser. Onboard, new users and configure Outlook users remotely without having to touch your customers' computer with DeploymentPro.

Migrate mailboxes, onboard users and create O365 tenants/users with one simple, wizard-based tool, accessible directly from your browser. Avoid human errors during long migrations with UserActivation's automated tasks, to make migrating, onboarding and creating users painless.

BitTitan provides migration and onboarding solutions in a cost-effective way for businesses of all sizes. BitTitan’s technology is patented and does not rely on any third-party tools or support. BitTitan’s data centres are compliant with ISO/IEC 27001/27002:2013, SOC 1 Type 2 and SOC 2 Type 2, and many others.

Key Highlights of BitTitan:

Easy to use
No special training or certifications required, no software or hardware to install. The easy-to-use interface takes the complexity out of your project.

BitTitan's global datacentres process millions of seats annually. Regardless of size, your project will never be put on hold because of lack of resources.

We take security seriously. Our datacentres are compliant with ISO/IEC 27001/27002:2013, SOC 1 Type 2 and SOC 2 Type 2, PCI DSS Level 1, FISMA, HIPAA/HITECH, CJIS, CSA CCM, FERPA and others.

Zero downtime
Zero impact, zero downtime. BitTitan products are invisible to your customer’s environment so you aren’t interrupting their work.


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