Oracle Universal Credits PAYG


Oracle Universal Credits PAYG is the industry’s most flexible buying and consumption model for cloud services. With Universal Credits PAYG, businesses have one contract that provides unlimited access to all current and future Oracle PaaS and IaaS services.

Organisations have the flexibility to upgrade, expand or move services across datacenters based on your requirements. PaaS or IaaS services can be switched between quickly, without having to notify Oracle.

With Universal Credits PAYG there is no upfront commitment. There is one bill at the end of each month to show usage.

Key highlights of Oracle Universal Credits PAYG:

  • Switch between services 
    Use any available cloud services when you need them, and switch between them when you want to
  • Pay for what you consume
    Pay only for the resources and services you need, when you need them, without up-front costs
  • Platform as a Service
    Rapidly build and deploy rich applications - or extend Oracle Cloud SaaS apps - using an enterprise-grade cloud platform
  • Infrastructure as a Service
    Utilise a comprehensive set of integrated services to run any workload in an enterprise-grade cloud managed, hosted, and supported by Oracle


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